ActionCOACH Programmes: One-to-One Business Coaching

One-to-One Business Coaching

Working with Natalie using ActionCOACH’s structure as a backbone is exactly what I need to help reach my business goals. I feel like I get a shortcut to strategies that work; I get to learn from someone who’s lived it without having to make all the mistakes myself. That level of support goes beyond what books and mentors can offer.

– Gary, First1Right Plumbing & Heating

What is One-to-One Coaching?

This is our signature programme and the most results-driven coaching any business owner can put to use. Our one-to-one business coaching system is so solidly proven that we guarantee results for our clients. One-to-one coaching accelerates results, makes a real difference to your lifestyle and adds value to your business.

Not sure why you need an ActionCOACH? By having regular one-to-one coaching sessions Natalie will use her experience to help you develop attainable long-term goals and strategies for your business.

Who is One-to-One business coaching for?

One-to-One business coaching is suitable for high-quality businesses who are already experiencing steady growth but who have the goal to grow more rapidly. As the business owner you may be working too many hours and your business would struggle without your constant attention. As a result you are spending too much time working IN the business, rather than ON the business and the business is not reaching it’s full potential.

There are four levels of one-to-one business coaching, depending on the size of your team and the frequency of coaching sessions. Ultimately these programmes are for those who are fully committed to change and willing to embrace new challenges.

The one-to-one business coaching process starts with an alignment session to get absolute clarity on where your business is now and where you want it to be. The outcome of this session drives the coaching programme.

One-to-one coaching sessions are weekly or fortnightly and because you’re probably spending the bulk of your time working ‘IN the business’, the focus for these sessions is working ‘ON the business’.

Beyond that, it depends on your business and your goals set at the alignment.

One-to-one business coaching includes:

  • Weekly or fortnightly coaching sessions
  • Creation of clear action plans during each session
  • Quarterly 90-Day Planning Workshops
  • Full email and phone support, directly from your coach, between sessions
  • Reviews & critiques of your marketing strategies, management systems, sales processes, time mastery, recruitment systems and anything else that’s relevant
  • Complimentary “DISC” behavioural evaluations
  • Our absolute commitment to coach you towards your stated goals and hold you accountable for taking action to achieve them

Four One-to-one Coaching Programmes to choose from:

There are 4 different coaching programmes you can choose from depending on how fast you wish to reach your goals, the amount of time you have to invest and the size of your business. Programmes start from £1650 per month for fortnightly coaching sessions.

1. Bronze Coaching Programme:

Designed for owners or managers of a small business who know they want more out of their business but do not know how to get it. Your business may have just started, doesn’t have the infrastructure to take full advantage of the more in-depth programmes, or you just need an injection of enthusiasm and guidance each month. It is also recommended as a good maintenance programme for business owners that have completed one of the other one-to-one mentoring programmes.

2. Silver Coaching Programme:

This programme suits those business owners who really are committed to get their business ahead. The type of business that most benefits from this programme is a business whose owner really wants their business to implement the strategies for improvement detailed in their ‘Alignment Consultation’ as quickly and effectively as possible.

3. Gold Coaching Programme:

Designed for those businesses who are determined to achieve significant growth in the next 12 months. Your business is probably already going well but may typically need to rapidly expand the customer base, introduce a new product or open another outlet. There are already some really good staff members in place but the business is struggling to reach its full potential. You are probably working too many hours a week and your business would not be able to survive with constant input from you.

4. Platinum Coaching Programme:

This programme is for those who really want to kick their business along and achieve real goals for the year. Your business is probably already experiencing steady growth, there is already some really solid groundwork in place and you and your Team might eventually make it happen anyway. Working with ActionCOACH could make a real difference to your lifestyle, the value and the position of the business in the marketplace.

This programme is for business owners who are really willing to make a difference and are not afraid of taking on challenges. Personal and business goals are combined. You understand that introducing systems and performance standards are the key to achieving what you want from your business in the future. Yes we work on all areas of the business, but there is more demand to perform and not let you get away with all those old habits that have been holding you and your business back. You must be committed to change.

Working with Natalie helped us to re-focus, re-energise and move our business forward. She kept us on track, held us to account and helped keep us focused on our goals.

– Kerry, Red Fox Fine Foods

Enquire About This Programme

Get in touch to book a place or find out more.


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